Back-to-School Season is near! 🏫 Send students on their way back to the Residence/Dorm/Classroom with something practical AND enjoyable.. Healthy lifestyle & hygiene necessities, with benefits on top of an enjoyable scent💜

The Gift of Natural, Toxin-free Skincare & Health products:
* Protects Health: Reduced exposure to harsh chemicals, promoting overall well-being.
* Gentle on Skin: Less irritation and allergies, suitable for sensitive skin.
* Environmentally Friendly: Made with sustainable ingredients, less harmful to the planet.
* Promotes Healthy Habits: Encourages good hygiene practices from a young age.
* Safe for Schools: Minimal risk of allergic reactions or triggering sensitivities in other students.
* Supports Learning: A healthy, relaxed and well-rested (all encouraged by Lavender) student is a
focused student – ready to learn.

Add in a Simple Sachet Bag for Moving Day:
* Freshen up enclosed spaces; Moving boxes, storage units, and seasonal dorm rooms can develop musty odors. Sachet bags filled with Lavender buds can help keep things smelling fresh.
* Repel pests: Certain scents like lavender and cedar are known to deter insects and rodents, which can be a concern during moves, especially if items are stored for a while.
* Add a personal touch; a subtle fragrance can make a new space feel more welcoming and familiar, as well as calms/relaxes the body and mind for proper focus and rest.