When you think of folklore, the words “historic and spooky” may come to mind. While there is nothing spooky about Lavender, it has been around for ages and has even been used in mystic ways!

Lavender has long had an association with magic, in fact, as far back in time as the Pharaohs of the old dynasties in Egypt, and to the Holy temples in both Jerusalem and Rome. Let’s do a quick recap off lavender folklore through the ages and around the globe:

  • In France, Spain and Italy, love spells have been recorded mixing lavender, rose hips/petals, and violet petals, a combination said to be most powerful.
  • Alpine girls hid lavender sachets under the pillows of loved ones to keep loving thoughts in their beloveds’ minds.
  • In the dark ages, lavender was associated with protection to ward off the evil eye; this particular belief was wide spread across different European countries over many centuries.
  • In Christian folklore, a cross of lavender was hung on the door to safeguard against evil.
  • In Ireland, lavender was used with a variety of other herbs, such as rose hips, and mixed into sweet-cakes to call favors from the elves and fairy people. It can also be found in Irish folklore that if lavender is used with rosemary, it will uphold a virtuous person or cause.
  • Indian folklore shows lavender flowers to be healing to the body’s subtle energy system and the soft blue-purple color of lavender is associated with the crown chakra, the energy center associated with higher purpose and spiritual inter-connectedness. Lavender flower is still often used in India for healing and raising your energy frequency to the highest level where the body’s natural healing abilities are activated.
  • From the Orient to the middle-east and through many cultures, lavender and sandalwood were and are still to this day burned together during child birth to ease the pain.
  • Lavender oil sprinkled on tassels was said confuse and disorientate evil spirits.
  • Powdered lavender made into candles were burned for protection in ancient Rome.

It is said that there are many threads of truth in folklore and the magic of lavender can be found to enhance life, spirituality and keep us safe from unseen forces. Today lavender is finding new breath in the modern world of magic that we call science. At Belvedere Lavender we believe there is still much magic to be discovered by introducing lavender to people’s lives.