what are pollinators a bee pollinating a purple flower

What are Pollinators and why do they need help?

As we embrace warm temperatures and focus on spending time outside, we realize how important it is to have pollinators visiting our gardens, plants, trees and shrubs. So with pollinators in mind, we’ve put together some information on how vital these creatures are and how you can support them in your community. What are pollinators?…

Summer Skincare keep skin healthy and glowing sunscreen sun damage lavender products

Summer Skincare

Summer is here, and the arrival of warmer weather means exposing more skin to the elements. Maintaining healthy, glowing skin isn’t just about protecting it while you’re soaking up the rays. You also want to be doing the right things morning and night to put your healthiest, glowiest skin forward all summer long. Here are…


Caring for Lavender Plants

As gardeners and people who love spending time outside amongst our lavender plants, we know how many others love spending time outdoors. When winter is at its worst, our thoughts return to spring weather that is on its way. Before the warm weather arrives, we have begun making plans for the spring weather. Each year…